Monday, 25 March 2013

Eh Different Approach

Taking a page from AIG’s “Thank You America” campaign, the following videos are Canadian example of marketing effort that attempts to building their brands by conjuring feelings of caring, peace of mind and security.  Both video use real-life example of customers who have been affected by disasters.   
Much of the marketing examples discussed in this journal appear to focus on entertaining customers in order to improve awareness and increase the depth of recognition so that in the moment of need, consumers will recall the brand it the funny commercial and seek further information.  Aviva and Intact appear to make an effort to move beyond salience, by describing performance of their products and encouraging emotional feelings of empathy for the individuals.  Although these images and the corresponding messages are powerful, at the moment of purchase, will consumers remember the relived customer or will they revert to the simple recall of the talking lizard or superstar quarterback?

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